Blanket MTA with University of Alberta Diabetes Institute (Edmonton) for Human Islet Procurement
Our Islet Research Core (IRC) has negotiated a blanket MTA with the University of Alberta Diabetes Institute’s (ADI) Islet Core for human islet procurement for use by our Investigators. The blanket MTA enables researchers at Stanford to procure human islets for their research. This could also include non-islet pancreatic cells. In order to obtain islets through this MTA-enabled streamlined mechanism, each investigator should: 1) contact Seung Kim or Yan Hang , 2) provide a PTA and copies of their approved protocols (APLAC and/or IRB human subjects exemption covering human islet use in, say, islet transplantation), 3) a copy of their Administrative Panel on Biosafety (APB) Protocol exemption (if necessary) and 4) a brief (1 page) description of their project.