ORGANIZATION MEETING for the Stanford Nutrition and Obesity Research Center (NORC) Details
Organizational meeting to develop a Nutrition and Obesity Research Center (NORC)
Orient interested investigators to the mission of the NIH/NIDDK NORCs.
Identify and mobilize relevant research base investigators at Stanford to develop a NORC proposal to NIH.
Drs. Peter Jackson, Katrin Svensson, Christopher Gardner, Seung Kim and Rick Kraemer
Dates and Location:
There will be two Monday meeting dates to accommodate schedules of interested faculty, on December 4th and December 11th at 4-5PM in Beckman Center, 279 Campus Drive, B302 (third floor) in the School of Medicine.
Zoom option available:
Zoom link: Passcode: 979661
All are welcome, including interested investigators from the Schools of Medicine, Humanities and Science, Business, Law, Engineering, Sustainability, Education, and Earth, Energy & Environmental Studies. Please forward this to any investigators you feel would be interested in attending and participating in developing this center.
Beckman Center B302 (Third Floor) 279 Campus Drive Stanford, CA 94305